Claude van der Grift/Sandbox1
Veduta della via "Foresta delle scimmie"
Fuso orario
Mappa dell'Indonesia
Mappa dell'Indonesia
Claude van der Grift/Sandbox1

Ubud è una città della regione centrale di Bali.

Da sapere modifica

Ubud è oggi considerata il centro culturale di Bali. La pittura e l'arte tessile, le sculture tradizionali in pietra ed in legno e l'artigianato in argento sono le arti per cui è famosa la città. È conosciuta sin dagli anni venti come luogo di sosta di artisti europei e americani.

Mentre le località costiere di Sanur e Kuta sono frequentate dal turismo di massa balneare, Ubud è stata e resta tuttora una meta esotica ed attraente, apprezzata dai backpacker, nonostante siano in continuo sviluppo anche nuovi complessi alberghieri che cercano di soddisfare le esigenze dei viaggiatori organizzati. Ubud ospita numerosi piccoli ristoranti che offrono specialità culinarie locali e internazionali.

I minibus, chiamati anche Bemos, vanno dovunque, anche a Denpasar. Dalla stazione dei pullman partono bus che portano a Candidasa, Kuta, Padang Bai, Lovina e ad altre famose località di Bali e all'aeroporto.

Cenni geografici modifica

La cittadina, immersa tra coltivazioni di riso e foreste dove prolifera la presenza dei macachi e punteggiata da numerosi e splendidi templi induisti, per via del recente sviluppo urbano difficilmente si distingue dai villaggi limitrofi, ma mantiene la sua peculiare caratteristica combinata artistica e rurale.

Come orientarsi modifica

  Claude van der Grift/Sandbox1

Come arrivare modifica

Come spostarsi modifica

Cosa vedere modifica

Templi e siti archeologici modifica

Ingresso alla grotta dell'Elefante
Gunung Kawi, Tampaksiring
Pura Kehen
  • -8.523389115.2863331 Goa Gajah (Grotta dell'Elefante), Jalan Goa Gajah (6 km a sud est del centro).   Rp 15,000, incluso un sarong che gli uomini dovranno indossare per la visita e un velo per le donne per coprirsi le spalle. Nel caso i capi fossero esauriti, si possono acquistare alle bancarelle poste all'ingresso del tempio.   Lun-Dom 08:00-18:00. Un complesso di templi indù risalenti al IX o secondo altri altri all'XI secolo. Situato sulle rive del fiume Petanu, si ritiene che il santuario fungesse da luogo di meditazione spirituale. Secondo una leggenda locale il santuario fu creato dall'unghia del leggendario gigante Kebo Iwa. Il complesso contiene sculture sia indù che buddiste, come lingam e yoni, simbolo di Shiva e l'immagine di Ganesha, mentre sul fiume ci sono immagini scolpite di stupa e chattra, tipiche del buddismo. Fu scoperto dagli archeologi olandesi nel 1923, ma le fontane e la piscina furono portate alla luce nel 1954.
    Il pezzo forte del complesso è la grotta dell'elefante cui si accede attraverso una scultura ricavata dalla roccia raffigurante la bocca di un demone kala descritto nella mitologia giavanese. L’interno della grotta è di dimensioni ridotte. Una nicchia racchiude la statua di Ganesh, il dio indù dalla testa di elefante donde il nome della caverna.
    Si visitano anche i giardini dove sono presenti vasche di purificazione e piccoli stagni ricoperti di ninfee.
  • -8.423361115.3123332 Gunung Kawi (Monte del poeta), Tampaksiring (18 km a nord est del centro).   Rp 15,000 incluso sarong e sash.   Lun-Dom 07:00-17:00. Risalente all'XI secolo, si presume che fosse il complesso funerario di re Anak Wungsu e le sue numerose mogli. Raggiunto salendo 371 gradini, la posizione in fondo a una ripida valle fiancheggiata da risaie, è piuttosto sorprendente. Si presume che il complesso più piccolo sul lato sud del fiume sia stato costruito per le mogli del re, mentre si pensa che il complesso più grande fosse la residenza del re stesso e forse delle sue concubine. Le strutture sono scolpite nei lati di una ripida valle fluviale, e il fiume attraversato da alberi contorti e viti. Devi toglierti le scarpe prima di entrare nel complesso centrale della pura. Circa 1 km a valle ci sono altri chiostri tombali. Sulla via del ritorno, fai una pausa al Cafe Kawi che ha bevande fredde per Rp 10.000 e oltre. Se si contratta per un taxi da Ubud, non dovrebbe costare più di 150.000 Rp per arrivare e tornare, con l'autista che ti aspetta mentre fai la visita.    
  • -8.441827115.3599023 Pura Kehen (Kehen Temple), Jl Sriwijaya, Bangli (Nel centro del villaggio di Bangli, a mezz'ora in auto da Ubud).   Rp 20,000.   Lun-Dom 08:00-17:00. Uno dei templi più attraenti di tutta Bali anche se non molto visitato. Il tempio fu fondato nel 1206 e presenta 11 livelli.  
  • -8.50673115.2626224 Puri Saren Agung (Palazzo dell'acqua).   Lun-Dom 09:00-17:00. Fu la reggia di Ubud fino al 1940 e ancora oggi vi vivono discendenti del monarca. Non tutti gli ambienti sono aperti al pubblico..  
  • -8.41639115.3155 Tirta Empul, Tampaksiring (Follow Jl Raya Tegallalang north for 8 km then slight right through the countryside for 7 km).   Rp 15,000, including sarong and sash rental.   8AM-6PM daily. One of the holiest temples in Bali built around hot springs that still bubble in the central courtyard. The Balinese come here to bathe and purify themselves physically and spiritually, and during Galungan, the sacred barong masks are bathed here. The complex dates to 960, but the present buildings are largely modern reconstructions.    
  • -8.5316715.293046 Yeh Pulu, Banjar Batulumbang, Bedulu nr Gianyar (turn off the Ubud to Gianyar main road about 400 metres east of the entrance to the Goa Gajah complex. Drive through Banjar Batulumbang until the road comes to an end. From here walk down the track).   Rp 15,000.   7AM-6PM daily. This complex of rock carvings is close to Goa Gajah but far less well known. The carvings date from the fourteenth or fifteenth century, and are set in a very attractive rice field. You can reach Yeh Pulu on foot through the rice fields from Goa Gajah, but you will definitely need a guide for the 45 minute walk as there is no path to speak of. In addition to the carvings, there is a holy well here, and the attendant priest will be happy to bless you with the well water. Temple dress code applies. This is a much underrated and under-visited site, and is highly recommended.

Musei e gallerie modifica

  • -8.518353115.2620838 Museo d'Arte Agung Rai (ARMA), Jl Pengosekan, +62 361 975742, .   Rp 80,000 inclusa bevanda (té o caffè caldo o freddo.(Aprile 2016).   Lun-Dom 09:00-15:00. Espone opere di artisti locali e internazionali quali Walter Spies, Adrian Jean Le Mayeur, Rudolph Bonnet e Arie Smit.  
  • -8.5058115.25439 Museum Blanco Renaissance, Jl Raya Campuhan, +62 361 975502.   Rp 80,000.   Lun Dom 09:00-16:00. Raccolta di opere dell'artista ispanico Antonio Blanco, soprannominato il Salvator Dalì di Bali. Il museo è allestito nella casa ove l'artista visse fino al 1999, anno della sua morte. La casa museo sorge su una collina ed è circondata da bellissimi giardini con riproduzioni di templi induisti.  
  • -8.508819115.26159110 Infinity Gallery, Jl Monkey Forest, +62 361 972 500, .   Entry is free.   Open 24/7. Un piccolo museo che espone opere dell'artista Stephan Max Reinhold, rappresentante della "Liquid Art".
  • -8.505097115.26027811 Museum Puri Lukisan, Jl Raya Ubud (Sulla strada principale del centro, a fianco del mercato), .   Rp 40,000.   Lun-Dom 08:00-16:00. When it opened in 1954, this was the first private museum in Bali. Three buildings showcase traditional and modern Balinese art. The displays are a little musty and English labeling is spotty, but some of the works, particularly the carvings, are quite amazing. Exhibits by noted artists I Gusti Nyoman Lempad and Rudolph Bonnet, among others.  
  • -8.497427115.26582112 Museum Rudana, Jl Cok Rai Pudak 44 (on the road to Mas, about a 10 min drive south of Ubud town centre), +62 361 975779, .   Rp 20,000, under 12yo is free.   M-Sa 9AM-5PM, Su noon-5PM. Museo d'arte realizzato da Nyoman Rudana, secondo il concetto della filosofia umanista di Bali (Tri Hita Karana) in base al quale l'arte contribuisce al benessere pubblico. Rudana è nato il 17 settembre 1948 nel villaggio di Gelogor, il terzo di sette figli.
    In seguito divenne ballerino nel gruppo di danza Balinese durante il liceo. Terminò la scuola superiore a Denpasar nel 1968 e frequentò il Teacher College nella città di Madiun, Giava . Ritornato a Bali nel 1970 sviluppò la comunità Rudana Painter per aiutare gli artisti locali a vendere i loro prodotti
  • -8.488988115.25364213 Museum Seni Neka, Jl Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan (A nord-est del centro di Ubud, 10 minuti in auto), +62 361 975074, .   Rp 40,000.   M-Sa 9AM-5PM, Su noon-5PM. Museo di arte balinese, tra i più visitati. Non mancano opere di artisti internazionali vissuti ad Ubud quali gli olandesi Arie Smit e Rudolf Bonnet quest'ultimo fondatore di un'associazione artistica cui aderì il balinese I Gusti Nyoman Lempad. Molto apprezzata è la sezione dedicata all'arte Wayang (teatro delle ombre).  

Parchi e attrazioni naturali modifica

Risaie a terrazza nei dintorni di Ubud

Gli immediati dintorni di Ubud sono straordinariamente verdi, caratterizzati da risaie anche a terrazza che si aprono tra boschi e palmeti.

Vale la pena esplorare questi paesaggi che infondono un senso di pace. Un breve itinerario consiste nell'imboccare Jl Raya che muove verso est dal centro cittadino e svoltare quindi per la stradina che si distacca all'altezza del palazzo della Banca BCA. Arriverete al villaggio di Kutuh immerso in una incantevole area rurale. Per compiere questa gita potete servirvi della bicicletta in quanto non esistono ripidi dislivelli da superare.

Dalla parte opposta stanno i villaggi di Campuhaun, Sanggingan e Kedewatan, dai paesaggi estremamente diversi, caratterizzati da gole scavate in un terreno calcareo dai fiumi Ayung e Wos. Non sorprende che proprio in questa zona siano sorti così tanti alberghi a cinque stelle. Le gole sono davvero spettacolari, ricoperte da una lussureggiante vegetazione. Se non soggiornate in un albergo in zona potete esplorarli con un motorino in quanto pedalare in questa area così accidentata richiede una certa fatica e le biciclette elettriche sono ancora introvabili ad Ubud. Dirigetevi verso il ponte Campuhan e imboccate il viale Jl Raya Sanggingan,fino all'incrocio con Jl Raya Kedewatan. Da questo punto potete cominciare ad andare a zonzo senza una direzione precisa. Potete far una sosta in un bar o ristorante all'interno degli alberghi per un pranzo o semplicemente per un drink. Il ristorante del Four Seasons a Sayan ha probabilmente le migliori viste sulla gola di Ayung. Se il vostro budget è limitato potete prendere in considerazione il delizioso ristorante Indiano di Sanginngan, con viste sul fiume Wos.

Tipico paesaggio nei dintorni di Ubud
  • -8.447663115.2772115 Tegallagang (From the town center, take Jl Raya as far east as you can go, and then turn north and continue about nine km until you reach Tegallalang).   Ingresso gratuito ma i proprietari dei campi si aspettano una mancia. Spettacolari paesaggi costituiti da risaie a terrazza situati a nord est del centro. Figurano tra le principali attrazioni di Bali.  
  • -8.6115.25116 Bali Bird Park, Jl Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir, Singapadu, +62 361 299352, .   Adults US$26, children US$13.   9:30AM-5:30PM daily. Un magnifico parco ornitologico di 2 ettari ove sono ospitati più di 250 specie. È un'area molto curata con diversi palmeti e alberi da frutto tipici della giungla equatoriale oltre a boschetti di bambù e tre laghetti artificiali.  
  • -8.497753115.26302517 Giardino botanico, Kutuh Kaja (on the road to Kutuh Kaja village which runs north from Jl Raya Ubud close to BCA Bank).   Rp 50,000.   8AM-6PM daily. The recently opened Botanic Garden is a wonderful way to spend a few orari walking around and exploring the valley that it fills. It is best to go in the morning and avoid the afternoon heat.
  • -8.491582115.27459419 The White Herons of Petulu, Petulu.   15,000 per adult.

Eventi e feste modifica

Cosa fare modifica

As a centre of the arts, Ubud has dance and shadow puppet performances every night. There are also plenty of spas for resynchronising your chakras, and all manner of spiritual classes and treatments, some distinctly less genuine than others.

Art courses modifica

Cooking classes modifica

  • -8.3565115.3014 Pemulan Bali - Balinese Farm Cooking School (first farm cooking school in Ubud), Banjar Patas, Desa Taro, Tegallalang (You can go by motorbike or car), +6281239534446, .   400000 IDR.   07:00-17:00. A new community project to save the organic farmer in the village. They have the cooking classes every day for vegetarians and meat lovers. The program consists of a visit to a local market, an organic farm tour, picking some ingredients for cooking and hands-on cooking experience (you will cook your food).

Canyoning activities modifica

  • Adventure & Spirit, Jl Raya Mas - Ubud, +62 85 333 88 55 98, .   9AM-9PM. Canyoning is an ultimate outdoor adventure and sport using a variety of techniques that may include walking, abseiling, jumping, sliding down natural slopes and swimming in white water for aquatic canyons. And of course discover beautiful and hidden places at the heart of Balinese nature.

Whitewater rafting and other outdoor activities modifica

There is good rafting available on the Ayung River at Sayan, just west of Ubud. Almost as good as the rafting itself is the wonderful experience of being right down inside the Ayung gorge. This is the domain of high-end resorts like the Four Seasons and Amandari, and it is a very scenic area indeed. The rapids are Class II and Class III, and best during the rainy season as the river can run a bit dry from June to September. There are two well established operators, both with offices on the main road in Sayan, close to Amandari, however other operators have sprung up recently as well.

White Water Rafting become the most popular attraction.

  • Ayung River Rafting, Jl Raya Ir. Soekarno, +6281 558 418 737, .   USD 35.00/person all inclusive. Free hotel transfer, 2.5 orari rafting experience. Guide, all boats in good condition, waterproof bag, helmets, lunch and insurance also included. They also do volcano climbs, countryside cycle tour, etc.

Cycle tours are an increasingly widespread and popular option.

  • Bali Budaya Eco Tours, Jl Raya Pengosekan, +62 361 975557, .   40$/person all inclusive. Free pickup from hotel, breakfast with a view of Mount Batur, visit to coffee plantation, downhill cycling through rice paddies and villages, visit to a Balinese family compound, optional flat/uphill cycling and a generous buffet lunch. Two guides per group, bikes in good condition, helmets, water also included. Also do volcano climbs, jungle treks, etc.
  • Bali Bike Adventures, Laplapan Village, +62 361 9234 627, fax: +62 361 898 7934, .   Rp 350,000/person all inclusive. Includes return hotel transfer, mountain bike with safety helmet, breakfast, towel and mineral water, all entrance fees, professional guide, buffet lunch, insurance covered for each participant.
  • Bali Hai Adventures Specialist, Jl Raya Astina Timur, Gianyar, +62 878 62331333, .   Rp 370,000/person. See the Bali countryside at a leisurely pace on a bicycle. Includes private A/C van (min 2 pax booking), mountain bike and safety helmet, breakfast and lunch, fruit and mineral water on tour, entrance fees and personal insurance coverage.
  • Bali Adventure Tours, +62 361 721480, .   About US$60. Established in 1989, one of the first whitewater rafting adventures in Bali. They offer packages that include their elephant safari park & lodge, cycling, rafting and an elephant safari. Free pickup from hotel. US$100,000 insurance is provided.
  • Sobek Bali Utama, +62 361 287059, .   About US$60. Specialise in white-water rafting and cycling tours. Established in 1989, this was the first company of its type in Bali, and they are distinctly less package-oriented than their main competitor.

Yoga and meditation modifica

  • Taman Hati Yoga and Meditation Center, Banjar Nyuh Kuning, +62 361 974739, .   From about Rp 90,000. This centre was founded in 2000 by two local men, both from families containing many generations of Hindu priests. Set up for both complete beginners, and those already experienced but wishing to broaden their horizons. Every Wednesday at 7:30PM, there is a free class entitled "World Peace Meditation".
  • Ubud Yoga Centre, Jl Raya Sanggingan (almost opposite Neka Museum), +62 361 970460, .   From Rp 90,000 per session. Good value ten class pass for Rp 550,000.. Expat-run centre offers everything from single attendance classes up to residential yoga instructor training courses.
  • The Yoga Barn, Jl Hanoman, Pengosekan, +62 361 970992, .   From about Rp 100,000. Range of classes and an excellent set of teachers mostly in the Ashtanga/Vinnyasa school. Upper studio has great views of the surrounding rice terraces. Residential packages, multiple day classes and simple single entry classes. If you are a teacher, they offer the possibility of renting the centre to host your classes.
  • Anand Ashram@Ubud, Jl. Sriwedari Km 3, +62 818 701658, . Non-profit institution offering yoga, meditation, satsang, kirtan, bed and breakfast. Visiting teachers and students are welcome to use the space for their programs and stay on donation basis.

Spas modifica

  • -8.513851115.2640756 Bali Healing, Jl Hanoman 43, Padang Tegal, +62 361 7911104.   10AM-10PM. Even for the experienced massage consumer, this six bed massage centre is an experience. A 1 hs massage is about Rp 80,000. Magic warm stone massage for Rp 120,000. Several other deep tissue and reflexology treatments are available
  • Bamboo Bali Spa, Jalan Raya Ubud No. 5, +6282247606797, .   11:00 AM - 20:00 PM. Friendly and attentive service in a comfortable setting, with interiors featuring soft cream colours and tasteful ornoments. The therapists deliver top-notch therapeutic massages. You can enjoy cups of comforting rosella or ginger tea at the cosy seating area after treatment.
  • -8.511556115.264417 Bodyworks Healing Centre, Jl Hanoman 25, +62 361 975720.   10AM-9PM. Ubud Bodyworks Healing Centre was founded by Ketut Arsana 25 years ago, and it is still his family home. This was the first such establishment in Ubud, and was a place where Balinese people would come for healing long before the tourist hordes arrived. There is a definite emphasis on the spiritual elements of healing.
  • SANg Spa 2, Jl Jembawan 13 (at the bend in the southern part of Jl Jembawan, walk down a small side street), +62 361 8631816.   From Rp 90,000.   9AM-9PM. Small full-service day spa, owned and run by a young couple nomed Ngurah and Asti. Simple, secluded, clean and nicely decorated. Very professional staff.
  • -8.5096115.26898 SenS Spa, 1 Jalan Sukma, junction of Jalan Raya Ubud and Jalan Sukma (Walk east from Ubud Palace/Ubud Market), +62 361 849 3328, .   from Rp 150,000.   9AM - 12MN. SenS Spa, inside the SenS Hotel & Spa, features 1 couples treatment suite, 2 single suites and 3 foot reflexology stations.
  • Spa Hati, Jl Raya Andong 14, Peliatan, +62 361 974 672, . prezzos start at Rp 110,000. The grounds are lovely and there is a pool and jacuzzi. This spa is a non-profit organisation which uses its income for charity programs. They offer pick up from your hotel.
  • Ubud Sari Health Resort, Jl Kajeng 35 (a 10 minute walk northwards up Jl Kajeng from the centre of Ubud), +62 361 974393.   From US$15.   10AM-9PM. Emphasis on Balinese-style healing therapy. Offers alternative health care, a day spa, beauty salon, health massage, vegetarian restaurant and yoga.
  • Verona Spa, Jl Monkey Forest (at the end of the alley by Yulia Hotel), +62 361 970975.   From Rp 150,000.   9AM-9PM. Private individual or coupled rooms that open onto a rice terrace. 4 hour package called the Verona Spa Experience has a massage, body scrub, flower bath, facial, manicure, pedicure, and hair creme bath (not to be missed if you like having your head massaged).
  • Tamarind Spa, Jalan Raya, Ubud (5 minutes walk from the town center), +62 361 970923, .   10 am - 9 pm. Excellent spa with professional and well qualified therapists. which attracts rave reviews. Full spa menu and spa packages menu. They are also able to give massage training lessons.
  • Pertenin Body Care, Jl Jatayu, +62 361 972834.   From Rp 85,000, free pick-up.   10AM-9PM. Facial treatments and massage in a relaxing, modern environment. Customer may select the oils and herbs for any treatment.

Acquisti modifica

Inside Ubud Market

Ubud has a vast assortment of art and jewelry shops. Head for the boutique type stores on Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud for higher quality goods (with appropriately higher prezzos), or down to the market for bulk-produced cheapies.

  • -8.507755115.2630071 Ubud Market (at the corner of Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud). This is a double storey warren of stalls bursting at the seams with wood carvings, batik shirts, sarongs, and all manner of other souvenirs aimed specifically at tourists. The merchants here haggle with tourists for a living, and think nothing of asking for ten times the going prezzo, so try to establish a baseline before you go in to buy. Most of the merchants downstairs will lose interest if you try to get a reasonable prezzo. It is better to try the shops upstairs where you will find the same products often for sale at lower prezzos. You will still need to use your best bargaining skills of course. Try to avoid the period from 11AM-2PM when tour buses from further afield tend to arrive en-masse. :If hiring a car for a day, it might be worth it to make a stop in Tegallalang, where they are geared more towards wholesale buyers. The Sukawati Market is crowded and sells trinkets in bulk as well, but quality is dubious.

Craft villages between Ubud and Sanur modifica

The 25 km road to Ubud from Sanur in the south passes through a series of small towns and villages which specialize in the production of particular arts and crafts. The towns are Batubulan/Singakerta for stone carvings, Celuk for silver jewellery, Batuan for paintings, and Mas for wood carvings. The whole area is sometimes referred to as the "craft villages" of Bali, although it is all a bit more built-up and congested than one might infer from the term "village."

This is the best area to see and buy a wide variety of Balinese craftwork in a short period of time. There are many large showrooms where arts and crafts in the Balinese style are offered for sale. Nearly all organised day-tours of central Bali stop at one or more of these showrooms (and the tour operators usually have a financial tie-up with the places where they stop, collecting a commission on purchases.) Be careful, many of these shops specialise in pricing based on huge commissions to the drivers and tour busses.

Other shops & markets modifica

  • -8.509383115.266812 Ganesha Bookstore, Jl Raya, .   9AM-6PM daily. Second hand bookstore. Also has great range of new books about Bali and Indonesia. Been around since 1986 and now has a second branch in Seminyak.
  • Pondok Pecak Library, Jl Monkey Forest (on the opposite side of the football pitch from Jl Monkey Forest), +62 361 976194.   9AM-5PM daily. This privately run community library often has decent fiction and other books for sale. By buying here you are supporting their mission to make free books available to Balinese schoolkids. When you visit, check to see if they have any cultural performances coming up. Also has a small cafe serving home-made snacks.
  • Sukawati Art Market, Sukawati (about twenty minutes south of Ubud on the main road to Sanur). This huge market is like a one-stop centre for all the craft villages between Sanur and Ubud. Many souvenir shop owners from around Bali wholesale purchase their items here, and prezzos are considerably lower than in the tourist centers like Kuta, Sanur, and Ubud town centre. For a taste of everyday, go to the food and produce market opposite the art market.
  • Threads of Life, Jl Kajeng 24, +62 361 972187, .   10AM-7PM daily. A fair trade store that stocks commercially made, traditional hand-woven textiles from Bali and all points east in Indonesia. Or better yet, go to the shops that are actually from the villages and outer islands like Timor and Flores, and specialize in traditional weavings.

Come divertirsi modifica

Spettacoli modifica

Spettacolo di danza Puram Dalem
Spettacolo di danza Legong
  • Barong Dance, Batubulan (about fifteen minutes south of Ubud on the main road to Sanur).   Rp 80,000. A Barong dance performance takes place here every day at 9:30AM, lasting about an hour. It is very much a performance for tourists, and the story is of the never ending battle between good and evil. There is actually not much dancing and a lot of talking in this performance. While buying a ticket, you will get a description of the forthcoming performance.
  • -8.504442155.258141 Pura Dalem, Jl Raya Ubud (inside the Pura Desa Ubud).   Rp 80,000. One of the best kecak performances in Ubud, every Friday and Monday evening. Staged in beautiful surroundings outside under the banyan trees, and followed by a fire dance. Excellent ambiance and the fire dance at the end is impressive. A leaflet in several languages is at disposal to understand the illustrated Ramayana story. However, parts of the performance can get repetitive.
  • Puri Saren & Puri Saraswati (just east of Jl Monkey Forest), Jl Raya Ubud.   Rp 75,000+. Smack dab in the centre of town, dance performances are staged here almost nightly.

Locali notturni modifica

Ubud is emphatically not party town: there are a few places for a quiet drink, but the strictly enforced local regulation that all live performances and loud music must end by 10:30PM puts a bit of a clamp on the local nightlife. More often than not, visitors have a quiet drink with their evening meal, and call it a night.

  • Ary's Warung, Jl Raya Ubud 35 (opposite Puri Saraswati), +62 361 975959.   10:30AM-10PM daily. Don't be fooled by the nome, this is a stylish watering hole with a large bar downstairs, complete with sofas and cow-leather bar stools, and a rather less busy restaurant upstairs. Drinks are expensive but generously sized.
  • Jazz Cafe, Jl Sukma No 2, Tebesaya, +62 361 976594.   Cover charge Rp 25,000, drinks Rp 50,000 and up, Rp 85,000+ for a cocktail.   Tu-Su 5PM-midnight. Jazz bar with live bands nightly, which are sometimes local cover bands, not jazz. A limited food menu and a good selection of drinks.
  • The Melting Pot Game Room and Pub, Jl. Pengosekan (across from The Pond restaurant and behind Delta Dewata), +62 815 7689113.   11AM till last man out. Pool hall and games room with full bar. Every nation is represented with a flag and customers are encouraged to sign their country’s flag. Food, music, table tennis, darts, foosball, video games, pool tables and general atmosphere make it a place where locals, expats and tourists often congregate. 8 Ball tournoment every Tuesday night and 10 ball tournoment on Fridays are open to all.
  • Rendezvousdoux, Jl Raya Ubud 14, +62 361 7470163.   10AM-11PM daily. On Thursday evenings there is often a jam session with local expat musos trying their hand at various forms of ethnic music. Otherwise it is a generally quiet cafe.

Dove mangiare modifica

Prezzi modici modifica

Babi Guling is a very popular dish for Balinese as well as tourists, and you can find it at most traditional markets and at roadside eateries as well.
  • -8.505889115.250231 Bubu Warung, Jl Penestanan Kelod, .   8AM-10PM daily. Healthy and delicious Balinese cuisine with plenty of choices on the menu. If you have any special requests, Ibu Made will be happy to cater for you.
  • Dewa Warung, Jl Goutama.   10AM-9PM daily. Dewa's is one of the better cheap places to eat in town. Serves all the usual Balinese and Indonesian dishes. The most expensive item on the menu is Rp 20,000.
  • -8.505953115.264342 Ibu Oka Warung Babi Guling, Jl Suweta (around 200 m north of the Jl Raya Ubud-Jl Suweta-Monkey Forest Rd crossroads turn right into a side street and follow a small gang about 100 m ahead. There are lots of signs).   From Rp 25,000.   11AM-3PM daily. A Bali culinary experience. The babi guling (spit-roasted pig) here is world-famous, and this humble eating place is virtually a place of pilgrimage. The roast pork is served with rice and spiced veggies, order the special (Rp 55,000) to get a bit of everything — including offal and blood sausage. There are normal tables and chairs but you can also sit on the floor at low tables inside the bale (pavilion). Oka also has a branch in Mas ☎ +62 361 976345 on the main Teges-Sukawati road on the route between Ubud and the airport. Unlike the original, where comfort and appearance are not strong points, this outlet is a two-storey restaurant which is spotless, airy and comfortable.
  • -8.522234115.26293 Pizza Bagus, Jl. Raya Pengosekan (500 m south of the Monkey Forest Rd.), +62 361 978520.   Main course from Rp 22,000-50,000.   9AM-10:30PM. Provides fresh made to order pizzas, pasta and other Italian style meals. Italian gelato and a full deli are also available. Eat-in, take-out or delivery. Organic market held every Saturday morning. Games and TV are provided to entertain children. Free wifi.
  • Sawah Indah Warung Ikan Bakar, Jl. Raya Goa Gajah (Peliatan), +62 361 785 8080.   Rp 50,000.   9AM-10PM. Lunch or dinner with a rice field view. Fish pond. Relaxing and good for a family or group.
  • Sari Bamboo, Penestanan.   Rp 15,000-25,000.   8AM-9PM daily. A tourist class warung, with food freshly cooked to order, set amid tropical gardens on the main road to Penestanan village. Mainly Indonesian food flavoured to suit the taste of western visitors. The warung and bungalows are easily distinguishable by the display of modern art works by the resident artist. No hard sell though, just good food in beautiful surroundings at good prezzos. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Warung Aja, Jl Monkey Forest (about halfway down Jl Monkey Forest, the warung is set back away from the road, on the right side if heading south towards the Monkey Forest), +62 361 973398.   Mains from Rp 20,000.   9AM-10PM daily. Cosy and friendly, Warung Aja is run by a couple from Java and is a good place to sample Indonesian food from Java, such as nasi rawon, nasi kuning, and pecel. There are also the usual Balinese food items on the menu like sate lilit.
  • Warung Igelanca (Iggy's), Jl Raya Ubud, +62 815 8943251.   11AM-10PM daily. Cheap and cheerful Indonesian favorites like nasi campur, fried rice and noodles, plus (this being Ubud) a range of herbal drinks, such as Ginger Jive.
  • -8.50746115.265154 Dapur Bunda, Jalan Sriwedari (off Jalan Raya Ubud). Indonesian and western "buffet" style eaterie with the style and quality of a mid-range restaurant. Offers tapas-sized portions from Rp 4,000 to Rp 14,000 on saffron, brown or plain rice.

Prezzi medi modifica

  • Warung Lada, Jl Hanoman.   10AM-9PM daily. Choose from the various Indonesian side dishes (nasi campur-style) that are displayed behind the counter. You can pick as many dishes as you like as you pay for each serving. A full plate is around Rp 30,000 including a fresh fruit juice. Be on time for lunch because it is usually packed.
  • Alchemy, Jl Penestanan Klod, +62 361 971981, .   39.000 RP - 60.000 RP.   7AM-9PM. A 100% raw vegan organic cafe & juice bar, organic health food store, and holistic clinic. Yummy breakfast bar with fruits, nuts, seeds, and raw vegan organic nutmilks and yoghurts from 07-11AM, delicious salad bar with amazing superfoods and toppings from 11AM-9PM. Alchemy´s has an Instagram account at @alchemybali.
  • Batan Waru, Jl Dewi Sita, +62 361 977528, .   Most mains Rp 40,000-60,000.   8AM-midnight daily. Long established Ubud institution. Excellent Balinese and other Indonesian food as well as western options, in a well designed space. Also serves top quality coffee, and has a dessert menu which includes an especially notable version of Balinese black rice pudding (bubur injin). Indoor and outdoor seating.
  • -8.490608115.2534515 Bakmie MG Ubud, Jl Raya Sanggingan (5 mins walk from Museum Neka, 8 mins walk from Naughty Nuri's Warung Ubud), +62 361 971949, fax: +62 361 971879, .   from IDR 20.000 to 200.000.   08.00 AM - 10.00 PM daily. Comfortable Balinese modern design for breakfast, lunch and dining at Ubud area, free wifi. Specialty in noodles and Asian food, you may taste the various food menu offered, such as Bakmie Special, Bakmie Hot Plate, Bebek (Duck), and Ayam (Chicken) Cha Siew in affordable prezzo.
  • Clear Cafe, 8 Jalan Hanoman, +62 361 8894437.   Mains about Rp 25,000-70,000. An organic cafe with a variety of vegetarian, vegan, and raw food-friendly selections. Free Wi-Fi. Try free samples from their bakery at the front of the restaurant!
  • Cafe des Artistes (Jl Bisma), +62 361 972706.   About Rp 50,000 per head.   11AM-midnight daily. This Belgian-owned eatery serves Indonesian dishes as well as a vast array of international classics. Famous for their grilled tenderloin steaks. Extensive winelist, cocktails, Belgian beers and homemade desserts. Free wifi from 11AM-6PM. To make sure you get a table for dinner, call ahead.
  • Casa Luna, Jl Raya Ubud, +62 361 973282.   Mains about Rp 30,000-50,000.   8AM-10PM daily. Large, long-established restaurant serving western and local dishes, and plenty that fall somewhere in between.
  • -8.51801115.263226 China Moon, 8 Jl Monkey Forest (at the corner of Jl Hanoman and Jl Monkey Forest), +62 361 981492.   Mains Rp 30,000-50,000.   7AM-2PM daily. While China Moon is not packed during lunch and dinner time, it does have some of the better Chinese cuisine available in Ubud. The owner of the restaurant comes from Taiwan and is really passionate about cooking and helping customers. Unsurprisingly, Taiwanese food is the big thing here, so you might want to try the mushroom pork soup or any other stews and soups Taiwanese cuisine has to offer. Food from other regions of China is also served, as well as typical Balinese dishes (or a fusion of both). De Ubud Villas & Spa is from the same owner at the backside.
  • Havana, Jl Dewi Sita (right next to Tutmak after you cross the football field.).   Mains about Rp 25,000-50,000. Very tasty Cuban food. Excellent paella and chorizo meatballs. There is also a good Latino band which plays there most evenings accompanied by local salsa dancers. Overall good fun.
  • Mojo's Flying Burritos, Jl Raya Ubud (on the main road near Bank BCA).   Mains Rp 20,000-35,000.   10AM-10PM daily. Mexican restaurant serving burritos, nachos, and tacos all completely handmade including handrolled tortillas and corn chips. At night, a good joint to hang out with expats drinking fresh margaritas and sangria by the pitcher.
  • Murni's Warung, Jl Raya Campuan-Ubud (at the Campuan Bridge), +62 361 975233, fax: +62 361 972146, .   Mains Rp 20,000-70,000.   9AM-11PM daily. Excellent western and Balinese food in a stunning, gorge setting. Elegant lounge bar. Historic, being the 1st real restaurant in Ubud founded by Murni herself in 1974. Also a shop with interesting collectibles and the odd real antique.
  • Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill, Jl Raya Sangiggan (opposite the Neka Art Museum half way up the hill heading north out of Ubud), +62 361 977547.   Mains Rp 20,000-70,000.   10AM-11PM daily. Crowded roadside watering hole. Microbrews, great martinis and slabs of BBQ ribs. This is very much a standard stop for Korean or Japanese tour buses. Once a week they do amazing grilled tuna. Careful that the waitresses do not stick other peoples drinks on your bill. A few times a year they have parties where drinks are US$10 for as much beer as you can handle, for example during USA elections and the Superbowl.
  • Nomad, Jl Raya Ubud 35, +62 361 977169.   11AM-11PM daily. A long-standing institution that serves up a good selection of Balinese, Indonesian, and western dishes, but deservedly popular is their version of a tapas selection, consisting of bite-sized portions of local flavors. 12 pieces of tapas served with rice costs Rp 90,000 and feeds two. Also serves a wide range of cocktails and spirits.
  • Taco Casa 'n Grill (Mexican Restaurant), Jl Raya Pengosekan (next to Alana's California Dreaming), +62 361 2123818, .   Mains Rp 22,000-45,000.   11AM-10PM daily. Open kitchen, simple and fresh tacos (soft and crispy), nachos, 8-layer burrito, fajitas, cheesy enchiladas, quesadillas and taco salad bowl. Fresh blended tropical fruit juices or lassies, milkshakes, freshly prepared lemonade, pure juices, mineral water, hot drink, margarita, mojito, sangria and soft drinks.
  • Tutmak, Jl Dewi Sita (next to the football field), +62 361 975754.   Mains about Rp 25,000-50,000.   8AM-11PM daily. A favorite with the expat crowd, Tutmak offers an international menu, but is especially famous for its superb coffee made from local arabica fresh roasted daily by the owners.
  • -8.5184115.2621767 Uma Resto, Jalan Monkey Forest (Few metres from Sacred Monkey Forest), +62 361 4792 766, .   07:00 22:00. Provides an Asian (Balinese, Indonesian, Thai) and Western cuisine, and various of beverages; cocktail, mocktail, coffee or tea. Free wifi

Prezzi elevati modifica

Many of the five star hotels in and around Ubud have top class restaurants, with the Four Seasons Resort and Maya Ubud being of special note.

  • -8.5178115.26378 Bebek Bengil (Dirty Duck Diner), Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal, +62 361 975489, .   About Rp 100,000 per head.   11AM-10PM daily. An interesting restaurant with paddy field views and nice gardens. Famous for their crispy fried duck and some European-based menu items. They have a good selection of cakes as well. Free wifi in the area closest to the street.
  • Mozaic, Jl Raya Sanggingan, +62 361 975768.   11AM-11PM daily. The brainchild of chef Chris Salans, this is one of the leading restaurants in the whole of Bali, and one which will please even the most jaded of foodies. Multi-award winning, including the coveted Les Grandes Tables du Monde award (the only restaurant in Bali ever to achieve that). Western prezzos, but worth it as a special treat. Try the degustation menu.
  • Terazo, Jl Suweta (just north of the junction with Jl Raya Ubud), +62 361 978 941, .   Rp 100,000+ per head.   10AM-midnight. High quality fusion cuisine in a restaurant environment with a Mediterranean colonial feel. Notably excellent desserts. Owned and run by the same people as Batan Waru.

Dove alloggiare modifica

Ubud has a vast selection of lodging for all budgets. Many visitors prefer to stay out in nearby rural areas instead of in the town centre, ideally with views of the famous rice terraces, but this can make it a little difficult to get around. As in most of Bali, in all but the grandest of hotels, check-in and check-out times are a bit of a moveable feast. It is safe to assume about 2PM and 11AM.

Prezzi modici modifica

Ubud has many homestays which are the cheapest form of lodging, a good way to meet the locals, and the natural replacement for hostels on the backpacker circuit. If you want to stay in town, the area around Jl Monkey Forest is generally the most expensive little more expensive (from Rp 80,000-100,000 per night). If you want cheaper prezzos try the areas around Jl Hanoman, north of Jl Raya Ubud and further out in Peliatan. In the low season especially, bargains can be had by those willing to bargain. Jn Kajeng, close to the centre, is a peaceful, mostly pedestrianised street with many small budget to mid-range homestays - those on the west side have views at the rear towards the river, waterfall or nearby rice fields.

  • 8.5116115.26541 Dewi Antara Homestay, Jl Sugriwa, Padang Tegal, +62 361 976072, .   A partire da Rp 250,000. Bungalow sistemati nel giardino di una modesta casa balinese. Il capofamiglia è un danzatore che indossa sempre gli abiti tradizionali di Bali. La moglie si occupa di servire pranzo e colazione agli ospiti
  • Family Guest House, Jl Sukma 39, Tebesaya, +62 361 974054, .   Rp 200,000-250,000. Friendly Hindu family makes you feel right at home. Rooms are placed in a lovely compound and includes a good breakfast.
  • Jati Home Stay, Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal, +62 361 977701.   From about Rp 100,000. Rooms using natural, traditional materials of bamboo, marble and thatched roofs. An atmosphere of art and culture, all members of Jati's family are traditional Balinese artists. Learn Balinese painting and watch a group of children practice Balinese dancing.
There are lots of them in Ubud
  • Mawar Homestay, Jl Raya Ubud, +62 361 975086, .   From Rp 200,000. Located in the heart of Ubud. 15 min walk from Monkey Forest and 5 min walk from Ubud Market. 10 rooms, bathrooms have hot/cold water, and ceiling fans. Breakfast included, free WiFi.
  • Narasoma Homestay, Gang Beji off Jl Monkey Forest, +62 361 973404.   Rp 200,000-250,000. Down a little lane off busy Jl Monkey Forest. Family home with accommodation. Balinese compound setting with traditional carved buildings, surrounded by coconut palms. Top floor has views of the central mountains and Mount Agung. Clean and airy, and breakfast is included.
  • Nyoman Murjana Homestay, Jl Hanoman, Gang Anila No 7 (down the alley opposite Jl Jembawan), +6285 936116 712, .   Double with hot shower from Rp 200,000. Check-out: 11AM. Clean, nicely furnished rooms in a traditional Balinese family compound. A breakfast is included with egg, toast, veggies, fresh fruit, coffee and tea, also has WiFi. The family can help with information, bicycle and motorbike rental.
  • Shana Homestay, Jl Goutama No7, Padang Tegal (very close to the traditional & art market and Nomad restaurant), +62 361 97481.   Rp 100,000. 3 bungalows in garden setting, each with 2 beds, breakfast included.
  • -8.50924115.263172 Raka's House, Jl. Dewi Sita, Maruti Line.   From 180,000 Rp. Quiet family homestay, bungalows with and without AC, free wifi, small pool.
  • -8.520863115.2626273 The Onion Collective (Delicious Onion), Jalan Raya Pengosekan (100 meter south of Perama bus station), . Eat, live, work, play, connect. A collaborative community living space. Several unique cozy rooms, dorms, and a co-working space. Geek-powered wifi. Several comfortable places to hang out, inside and outside. Very friendly host and staff. Menu has only a small selection, but very tasty (burgers, dragon bowl, salads). Close to Perama bus station, Yoga Barn, Hubud, Monkey Forest.
  • -8.510155115.2639194 Ayuk Guest House, Jl. Gootama No. 26 (Walk up the stairs from street level and follow the path towards the back of the temple compound.), +62 815 5844 2662, .   $20-$30. Sweet Balinese family run guest house centrally located, with three spacious double rooms; fans, Wi-Fi, full breakfast (pancakes or omelettes plus fruit and coffee/tea) cooked by Ayu. Nyoman, the husband, is also a driver, and they'll go out of their way to assist you with transport or needs. Rates are $20 USD for one person, $30 for two.

Prezzi medi modifica

  • Anom Cottages, Jl Raya Sanggingan (about 25 min walk south of the Monkey Forest Road-Jl Raya Ubud crossroads), +62 361 8528521, .   From Rp 450,000. Small bungalows with lovely views over the adjacent valley. 3 min from the town centre. Recently re-furbished.
  • -8.5151115.26455 Dewa Bungalows, Jalan Hanuman 48, Padangtegal, +62 361 973 345, .   From Rp350000. Family compound close to the center of town. Family-run and gracious, it has nice little slate pool perfect for a dip in the heat of the day. There is free access to WiFi as well as a restaurant.
  • -8.506103115.2518736 Dewa Bharata Bungalows, Jln Panestanan (Few metres from Blanco Museum), +62 361 977086, .   Rp 270,000-450,000. Balinese-style accommodation, double bed, twin bed, public pool, direct IDD tel, TV, free Wi-Fi, airport transport, motorbike rental, breakfast, restaurant.
  • -8.506011115.2533597 De Munut Cottages (Munut Bungalows), Jln Panestanan (adjacent of famous Blanco Museum), +62 361 975039, . Traditional Balinese architecture with spa, public swimming pool, internet services, free Wi-Fi, deluxe room, super deluxe room.
  • Evita Villa, Lod Sema St, Lod Tunduh, +62 361 294 946, fax: +62 361 294 823, .   US$130. Queen beds, cable TV, teletel, safe, A/C and private swimming pool. Living room, dining room, cycling tour with local guide and airport transfer.
  • Bali T House Village, Lodtunduh, +62 812 3932000.   Rp 500,000-600,000, including breakfast. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom private villas in a traditional rice farming and carving village 5 min from central Ubud. Daily maid and breakfast service included. Shared pool with rice-field views. This is an environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable compound and part of a Balinese village.
  • Inata Monkey Forest, Jl. Monkey Forest (In the centre), +62 361 978267, .   from USD 70.
  • Jiwa Damai Bali Retreat, Jl Melati 3, Mambal (about 15 minutes with car from central Ubud), +62 361 8988384, .   From US$60. Organic (permaculture) garden and retreat centre in small village close to Ubud. 6 modern minimalist styled rooms with king size, queen size or two twin bed and three garden lumbungs. Spacious open air lounge and dining area, fresh water pool, organic fruit and vegetables used to prepare meals. Yoga and meditation classes for guests. Facilities available for seminars and retreats.
  • -8.490608115.2534518 Munari Resort and Spa Ubud, Jalan Raya Sanggingan (5 mins walking distance from Museum Neka, 8 mins walk from Naughty Nuri's Warung Ubud), +62 361 971949, fax: +62 361 971879, .   Rp 550,000-1.200,000, including breakfast.. Check-in: 14.00 PM, check-out: 12.00 AM (noon). 5-10 mins by car to Ubud center, Free Wifi in room, option of twin and double bed, room full AC, swimming pool, free bicycle to use based on request, Bakmie MG Restaurant specialty in noodles. All rooms with balcony overlooking nice garden, swimming pool. 2nd floor room can enjoy the beauty of ricefield next to Munari.
  • Oka Kartini, Jl Raya Ubud 35 (just across the bridge in Peliatan, east of Ubud town centre), +62 361 975759.   Rp 340,000-511,000, including breakfast.. Quirky old Balinese house complex on the edge of town. The rooms here are a bit long in the tooth, but decorated with more carvings and gold paint than the average temple. Friendly staff supervised by the owner Oka Kartini. Large art gallery, a small but pleasant garden pool. Shadow puppet shows 3 days a week (extra charge).
  • -8.5226115.25659 Puri Asri Villa & Spa, Jl Nyuh Bulan, Nyuh Kuning, +62 361 972550.   Rp 500,000 including breakfast. In a very quiet spot south of town. Offer a couple of scheduled shuttle rides to Jl Monkey Forest and back each day. Walking distance from town via the Monkey Forest. Villas have spacious rooms, A/C, bath and shower (including outdoor showers), patio. Breakfast delivered to room if you choose. Take cash as their credit card facilities don't always work.
  • Puri Saraswati Bungalows, Main Rd.   US$70 including tax and breakfast. Puri Saraswati is located in the centre of Ubud Village. Rooms are set back from the road and quiet and there's a pool and WiFi. Airport transfers are available.
  • -8.5088115.262710 Sania's house, Jalan Karna No. 7 (At the Ubud Market walk South it's on your left), +62 361975535, .   From Rp 250,000. Beautiful place with clean rooms, swimming pool. Wi-Fi and breakfast included.
  • Sri Bungalows, Jl Monkey Forest, +62 361 8528521.   From US$57. Centrally located with 16 bungalow-style rooms in lush gardens. 50 m from the busy road, but very quiet except for the singing of birds. Simple but pleasant rooms with bamboo furniture, western toilets and hot water. Large pool with rice paddies beyond. Internet cafe on the premises.
  • Sri Ratih Cottages, Jl Penestanan, Campuhan, +62 361 8528521.   From US$30. 30 rooms, just west of the town centre. Large peaceful garden, good-sized pool, free wifi for guests, 24 hr room service. Long staying guests may find good value here.
  • Taman Indrakila, Jl Raya Sanggingan, +62 361 975017.   From about Rp 500,000. Boutique hotel high above the Campuhan River Valley in Sangginan. All rooms have a private terrace.
  • Hibiscus Cottages, Off Jl Bisma (From Cafe Des Artistes, walk slightly further down the road and look for a huge signage on the right - follow the narrow pathway into the edge of rice fields), +62 361 970475, .   From Rp 250,000 and up. Family-run, includes breakfast served on your patio. 7 Balinese style concrete cottages surrounded by rice fields. 2 A/C rooms are more expensive but newly built in late 2010. Views from the 2nd storey cottages. Booking by tel is recommended.
  • Villa Indah, Jl Suweta, Br Sakti (2 km north from the tourist information centre), +62 813 37255277, .   From US$35. Breakfast included. Friendly Balinese family. 2 rooms and one suite, all have terrace and bathroom with hot water and tub. Stone villa in the middle of the rice fields. Self service kitchen. Motorbike for rent.
  • Villa JJ & Spa Ubud, Jl Tirta Tawar, Junjungan, Ubud 80571 Indonesia, +62 361 4792264, .   From US$36 for One-Bedroom Joglo Villa, one kid up to 2 years old is free.. 4-stars villa. Breakfast included. Pet-friendly accommodation. Has sun terrace and 3 outdoor swimming pools. Surrounding by paddy fields. Far from the crowd, Ubud Palace is more than 4 kilometers away and Ubud Monkey Forest is 6 kilometers away.
  • Pondok Pundi Village Inn, Jl Monkey Forest, +62 361 977119, .   from US$ 75. 11 guest rooms, each including mini bar, shower, bathrobes, refrigerator located in the central Ubud
  • Taman Harum Cottages, Jalan Raya Mas, +62 361975567, .   USD 40. Consists of 17 lovely rooms, restaurant, bar, swimming pool with a view of rice paddies, yoga/meditation room. Offers aerobic class, woodcarving studio & workshops.
  • Murni's Houses and Tamarind Spa, Jalan Raya (5 minutes walk from the town center), +62 361 975165, . Very comfortable, quiet accommodation, excellent spa and meals can be delivered from Murni's Warung restaurant. Breakfast included. Architecturally impressive. All rooms have verandahs and are fly-screened. Pick ups and drops at the airport or anywhere else can be arranged. Tours, classes and activities can also be arranged. Free Wifi. From about US$60.
  • Bali Dream Resort Ubud, Jalan Penestanan Kelod, +62 361 971755.   IDR 700.000. cozy accommodations with an outdoor swimming pool, an on-site restaurant and free Wi-Fi access in all areas of the property. Located in Penestanan Ubud area, a five minute drive from Ubud Centre and a five minute walk from the Antonio Blanco Museum.

Prezzi elevati modifica

The quite remarkable Four Seasons Hotel in the Ayung Valley, near Ubud
  • Taman Rahasia (Secret Garden), Penestanan, +62 361 979395, .   From US$95. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 12 noon. 8 room boutique hotel with a lush tropical garden in quiet part of Penestanan. Spa, restaurant and good-sized pool. Free WiFi & free shuttle bus service to Ubud town centre. Does not accept families with children under 7 yr.

Resorts modifica

Several of the leading luxury resorts anywhere in Asia are located in Ubud. Expect superb standards, with prezzos to match.

  • Amandari, Jl Raya Kedewatan, Sayan, +62 361 975333, .   From US$750. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. This was the first Aman hotel in Bali built 20 yrs ago. It is getting a little bit tired but is still most impressive. Good views, tennis court, spa, restaurant. A luxury resort with no TVs.
  • 8.516907115.28043711 Amori Villa, Banjar Dukuh, Pejeng Kawan, +62 361 8987799.   From US$215. Check-in: 1PM, check-out: 12 noon. A boutique retreat 3 km from Ubud overlooking Petanu River Valley. Opened in June 2009. Butler service, good food and wine. 5 private suites/villas, all with indoor/outdoor bathrooms, satelliteTV, king beds, free broadband internet access. Shared facilities include a 14 m infinity pool, bale and jacuzzi.
  • Barong Resort and Spa, Jl. Monkey Forest, +62 361 971 759.   From US$167.00. A/C rooms equipped with cableTV, mini-bar with lunch table, and coffee/tea maker.Outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, airport and city transfers, and currency exchange.
  • Como Shambhala Estate (formerly Begawan Giri Estate), Payangan, +62 361 978 888.   US$300-4,000. This is one of Bali's most expensive places to stay, and more a collection of super homes than a mere hotel. 20 min north of Ubud, close to the village of Payangan.
  • Four Seasons Resort at Sayan, Jl Raya Kedewatan, Sayan, +62 361 701010.   From US$460. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. One of Bali's truly great hotels, over-looking the Sayan gorge. Suites in the main building, individual villas down by the river. Restaurant and in-house spa facilities. Free shuttle bus to Ubud town centre.
  • Komaneka at Bisma, Jl Bisma, +62 361 971933.   From US$275. Check-in: 1PM, check-out: 11AM. Short distance from the town. Built on a steep hillside with an infinity edge pool and surrounded by terraced rice paddies with a river rushing below. Central hotel block has spacious, tastefully decorated suites, private villas, a wedding chapel and separate spa huts. Komaneka also has two other properties in Ubud, the central and slightly older Monkey Forest and the newer but rather remote Tanggayuda.
  • Maya Ubud, Jl Gunung Sari, Peliatan (about ten minutes east of Ubud town centre), +62 361 977888.   From about US$220. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 11AM. 10 hectares of land with fine villas, excellent spa and a good restaurant. Architecturally impressive resort with two free form swimming pools. Free shuttle to centre of Ubud.
  • Naya Ubud, Jalan Kedewatan 2, Sayan, Br Kutuh (about five minutes west of Ubud town centre), .   From about US$120. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 12PM. Set within Balinese rice fields, three traditional structures (a Lumbumg, Gladak, and Joglo) house the 5 bedrooms in this boutique luxury resort, surrounded by tropical gardens and an infinity pool.
  • Pertiwi Resort and Spa, Monkey Forest St, +62 361 975236.   From US$85. Combining traditional Balinese design with modern touches. Alang-alang (thatched) roof, bamboo ceiling, long glass windows. A/C, cableTV, mini-bar, coffee/tea maker. Swimming pools, free wifi access, and a Spa.
  • Pita Maha Resort and Spa, Jl Raya Sangginan, +62 361 974330.   From US$390. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. Hill-side resort with 24 villas. Good restaurant, high quality spa and lovely pool with views.
  • Santi Mandala Villa and Spa, Banjar Bucuan, Batuan (about ten minutes drive south of Ubud), +62 361 297800.   From US$150. Located on the southern outskirts of Ubud. Spa centre, poolside sunken bar and large private villas.
  • Ubud Hanging Gardens, Desa Buahan, +62 361 982700.   From US$400. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 11AM. On steep terraces overlooking the Ayung river and an ancient temple. 38 luxury villas, each with a heated private swimming pool. Villas with panoramic views of the valley, or riverside villas in the privacy of the gorge. Spa and innovative restaurant.
  • The Viceroy Bali, Jl Lanyahan, Banjar Nagi, Laplapan (In the Lembah valley between Ubud and Tampaksiring), +62 361 971777, .   From US$450. Check-in: 1PM, check-out: 11AM. Boutique hotel with four different grades of villa. Pristine valley setting, views from all the villas. In-house spa, good restaurant, shuttle buses into Ubud. A member of Small Leading Hotels of the World.
  • Wapa Di Ume Resort & Spa, Jl. Suweta, Banjar Bentuyung, +62 361 973178, .   From US$225. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. Rural rice field setting 10 min north of Ubud town centre. Well maintained established resort. Good spa services and restaurant, and regular free shuttle buses into Ubud.

Private Villas modifica

The following are private, individual villas which only take a single group of customers at a time.

  • Agung Khalia Villa, Banjar Sala, Pejeng, +62 812 3983940, .   From US$185. Private villas from studio to three bedroom and six bedroom. Panoramic rice field and Mount Agung views. Each villa has its own private pool, staff and full service. Only 10 min east from central Ubud in the same valley as the Maya Ubud resort, and close to Goa Gajah.
  • De Ubud Villas & Spa, Jl Monkey Forest No.8, +62 361 981492.   From US$260. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. 3 private pool villas located in central Ubud. Choice of 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom villas.
  • Kajane Mua Private Villa and Mansion, Jl Monkey Forest, 80571, +62 361 972877, .   From US$190. Private villas, each with its own private pool. Breakfast and afternoon tea is included in room prezzo and can be brought to the villa each morning or taken at the Kajane Resto. Kajane Resto provides a large selection for each meal and drinks, and room service is available until 11PM at no extra charge. A driver and clean van are provided for free transport around the Ubud area and at low cost to other areas of interest in Bali. For an extra charge, a spa is available on the premises, with panoramic views of private Kajane rice fields. Friendly staff, 15 min walk to Sacred Monkey Forest or Ubud Market and Water Palace.
  • Villa di Abing, Jl Jembawan, +62 813 38083508.   From US$175. 3 storey, 3 bedroom, fully staffed villa, in central Ubud. Riverside pool, natural green views and within easy walking distance of Ubud town centre.
  • -8.4603115.314713 Jendela di Bali, Ubud, Petak Kaja, Gianyar, +62 361 953 663.   From $190. Check-in: 2pm, check-out: 10am. This private villa in the hills near Ubud is like a 'village' of unique living spaces. A collection of handcrafted bales represent traditional Balinese and Indonesian Archipelago styles, creating a very authentic cultural experience. Facilities include a wet-edge infinity pool, media and meditation bale, lounge bale and two bedroom bales 'The White Elephant' and 'The Kingfisher'. The villa accommodates up to four and guests have the entire villa for their exclusive use with staff to cook and clean.

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