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 * scrollGallery v2.0, 2020-03-17
 * Scrolling through Image Galleries
 * Original author: Roland Unger
 * Support of desktop and mobile views
 * Documentation:
 * License: GPL-2.0+, CC-by-sa 3.0

( function ( mw, $ ) {
	'use strict';

	var scrollGalleries = function() {
		var str = {
			prev   : '◀',
			next   : '▶',
			counter: '$1/$2'

		var processEvent = function( event, incr ) {
			var group, i, imgs, unit, which = 0;

			group = $( ).closest( '.ImageGroup' );
			imgs = $( '.ImageGrUnit', group );

			i = 0;
			imgs.each( function() {
				unit = $( ).closest( '.ImageGrUnit' );
				if ( $( this ).is( unit ) )
					which = i;
			which = which + incr;
			if ( which < 0 )
				which = imgs.length - 1;
			else if ( which > imgs.length - 1 )
				which = 0;

			i = 0;
			imgs.each( function() {
				$( this ).toggle( i == which );

		// preloadImages() is only used in mobile view. It substitutes the lazy
		// image mode which prevents loading hidden images.

		var preloadImages = function() {
			var img, p;
			$( 'noscript' ).each( function() {
				p = $( this ).next(); // <span class="lazy-image-placeholder" ...>
				if ( p.hasClass( 'lazy-image-placeholder' ) ) {
					img = $( '<img />' )
						.attr( {
							'src': p.attr( 'data-src' ),
							'width': p.attr( 'data-width' ),
							'height': p.attr( 'data-height' ),
							'alt': p.attr( 'data-alt' )
					p.replaceWith( img );

		var init = function() {
			var i, j, divs, imgs, prevLink, nextLink, counter, imghead, newImg,
				firstImg, timeDependent, showUnitHeader, timeNow, noLoop, $this;

			divs = $( '.ImageGroup' );
			if ( divs.length === 0 )
			i = 0;
			divs.each( function() {
				$this = $( this );
				imgs = $( '.ImageGrUnit', $this );
				if ( imgs.length < 2 )

				timeDependent = $this.hasClass( 'timeDependent' );
				showUnitHeader = !$this.hasClass( 'hideUnitHeader' );
				noLoop = $this.hasClass( 'noLoop' );

				// getting width excluding header width
				var clone = $this.clone();
				$( '.ImageGrUnit', clone ).show();
				$( '.ImageGroupHeader', clone ).hide();
					.css( { 'visibility': 'hidden' } )
					.appendTo( $( 'body' ) );
				$this.css( 'width', clone.width() + 'px' );

				firstImg = 0;
				if ( timeDependent ) {
					timeNow = new Date();
					timeNow = timeNow.getHours() + timeNow.getMinutes() / 60;
					firstImg = Math.floor( timeNow * imgs.length / 24 );
					if (firstImg > imgs.length - 1 )
						firstImg = imgs.length - 1;

				j = 0;
				imgs.each( function() {
					if ( showUnitHeader ) {
						prevLink = $( '<span>' + str.prev + '</span>' );
						if ( j === 0 && noLoop )
							prevLink.addClass( 'ImageNoLoop' )
								.css( 'cursor', 'default' )
								.attr( 'title', '' );
						else {
							newImg = j;
							if ( j === 0 )
								newImg = imgs.length;
							prevLink.css( 'cursor', 'pointer' )
								.attr( 'title', 
									mw.format( str.counter, newImg, imgs.length ) )
								.click( function( event ) {
									processEvent( event, -1 );

						nextLink = $( '<span>' + + '</span>' );
						if ( j === imgs.length - 1 && noLoop )
							nextLink.addClass( 'ImageNoLoop' )
								.css( 'cursor', 'default' )
								.attr( 'title', '' );
						else {
							newImg = j + 2;
							if ( j === imgs.length - 1 )
								newImg = 1;
							nextLink.css( 'cursor', 'pointer' )
								.attr( 'title',
									mw.format( str.counter, newImg, imgs.length ) )
								.click( function( event ) {
									processEvent( event, 1 );

						counter = mw.format( str.counter, j + 1, imgs.length );
						imghead = $( '<div class="ImageGrUnitHeader wv-timeless-no-emoji"> '
							+ counter + ' </div>' )
							.prepend( prevLink )
							.append( nextLink );

						$( this ).prepend( imghead );

					$( this ).toggle( j == firstImg );

		return { init: init };
	} ();

	$( scrollGalleries.init );

} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );